It’s So Sad to Say Goodbye:
“Technics turntables Panasonic announced that they would cease the manufacture of Technics turntables in February next year, citing an increasing decline in sales as the motivation behind the line’s demise.
The Australian arm of Panasonic issued a similar statement today, expressing their disappointment that the brand’s 35 years-and-running legacy was to be put to bed. Link here”
I think a lot of vinyl/record collectors or record affectionados like my self romantically thought that “technics 1200’s/1210’s” would never go away…
Could we really have expected an old love to stay around forever while we our selfs wanted the best of both worlds, cheating and embracing other new audio formats?  Now the 35 year old legacy might truly be a legacy…. I guess if you’ve ever wanted a pair of Technics now would be the time to get them.. They are built like tanks.. And I know I am glad I have my turntables. The decision by Panasonic pulling the plug on the 1200’s/1210’s just makes me a little bit more romantic, cuz i’ll be holding on to mine..