Archive for the month 'November, 2008'

Finally getting a chilly in LA.. Perfect time to listen to Bon Iver’s Stacks with a morning cup of coffee to get the day sorted… [kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”344″ wmode=”transparent” /]

Bon Iver – Stacks

RubiTone concept by Ignacio Pilotto. Wouldn’t it be cool if they ended up making this..


Rolled up to a sic custom pad in Sliver Lake for a B-day party.. 1)Back Yard.. 2)Dinner Chime.. 1)Live music 2) Skyway to the back wing..

Sic Pad in Sliver Lake

Rolled up with Joe Hahn from Linkin Park to a KoreAm event this weekend.. Marget Cho hosted and performed a song and skit… also got to see and meet K-pop star Se7en. Food was served by Lawry’s Prime Rib (And they brought the carts!). Se7en


Rolled up to Bling’s Rock Night(Tue’s) at The Standard after a nice Dinner with him at One on Sunset.. 1) Ana 2) Bryan, Ana, Ryan 1)Striker-KROQ

Rock Night @ The Standard

Axis @ SURU.. The guys at SURU turn the store into a Gallery for the opening.. Out back was the reception where it was pretty much a packed house…. Good to see people from nyc to LA representing.. 1)Joe Hahn- Linkin Park/SURU, 2)Jasmine-Oliver Peoples, Sly-EM 1)Nick-Diamond, Stash-Recon, Josh-10Deep 2)Paula-Fierce Lady.., Kenny-Belvedere.


A while back our Buddy Josh Madden.. (One down MoFo..) sent me the 1st edition of “The Official Preppy Handbook”… See how much times have changed or how much they haven’t….  Awesome fodder or resource depending which state of mind or mood your in..  Stereotypical to the T!  A guide to live your life as […]

Preppy Handbook

Look what I found in one of my bags that I haven’t opened since the last magic show… Our long time buddies Dennis, Rob and crew made a ill USB bullet/card… Soo ill..

Crooks USB

L.A.’s Menswear Designers Take Risks as Others Play It Safe by Erin Barajas, Manufacturing Editor Read the full Article Here

L.A.’s Menswear Designers

22 year old Lykke Li from Stockholm taking the underground world by storm.. Represent… Girls, start falling in Love… Dance-Dance-DanceDance, Dance, Dance

Lykke Li

Rickey turned me on to this book a couple of years ago.. Been flipping through it lately.. Insightful look into the history of the Bourgeois and the Bohemians cultures and who they are today.. “…. A TARTLY AMUSING, ALL TOO ACCURATE GUIDE TO THE NEW ESTABLISHMENT.” Janet Maslin, The New York Times


Traction CO-OP

Cassette highlighted on WGSN. WGSN is one of the biggest trend forecasting research services in the world..


A New Day Has Come… Today America is beautiful. Today is a proud day to be an American.

A New Day Has Come

Official reception for “Two Lovers” a film starring Joaquin Phoenix and Gwyneth Paltrow at the Roosevelt 3 story Penthouse.

Two Lovers

Che Premiere Screening at the Mann’s in Hollywood.. Che Directed by Steven Soderbergh Ernesto Che Guevara played by Benicio Del Toro. Che is a 4+hour movie split into two parts.. Part One The Rise.  The Cuban Uprising. Part Two The Fall.  The Bolivian Defeat. Amazing


Hollywood was absolute madness, traffic was stopped for about 10 miles in all directions.. Halloween at the Roosevelt Hotel.. .Thanks for the love Bryan..

Halloween ’08

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